Improve your cash flow using your company's accounts receivable


Factoring is the contractual relationship between a Supplier and a specialized financial intermediary (Factor), in the context of which the Supplier assigns to the Factor all or part of its accounts receivable against one or more Buyers.



Factoring is a financial tool that businesses utilize to efficiently raise working capital and enhance their cash flow, all without relying on traditional bank lending. It is closely tied to a Supplier's sales and the collection of receivables from Buyers.

In Greece, Factoring is regulated by Law 1905/1990 and is offered by credit or financial institutions under the supervision of the Bank of Greece.

Preferred Customers

It is available to Suppliers, encompassing small, medium, and large enterprises, who offer products or services on short-term credit to their Buyers, regardless of whether the Buyers exhibit repetitive or one-off purchasing patterns.

Services Offered


Following the assignment of receivables and until their collection, the Supplier may receive advance payment as a percentage of the receivables value, thus converting its receivables into cash to enhance liquidity

Accounts receivable management

Assignment of receivables operations to the Factor, who undertakes their complete handling, including sales monitoring, reconciliation of accounts with Buyers, reminder actions to Buyers, and contributes to the resolution of any commercial disputes until their collection

Receivable collection

The Factor handles communication with the Buyers for Accounts Receivable reconciliation and ensures their collection upon maturity

Buyer credit assessment

The Factor provides creditworthiness assessment services for the Supplier's Buyers both prior to the initiation of the relationship and throughout its duration. The evaluation of Buyers relies on contemporary financial assessment models, commercial data, and information, along with historical transactional behavior data

Buyer credit cover

Upon request from the Supplier and subject to certain conditions, the Factor may assume the credit risk associated with the Buyer's financial inability to settle the value of the assigned receivables upon maturity

Why choose factoring?

Immediate liquidity
Gain immediate access to liquidity generated from your sales to meet working capital requirements during the interim period between invoicing and receivables collection
Improved competitiveness
Enhances competitiveness, strengthening the company's negotiation position with Suppliers and facilitating the expansion of partnerships with Buyers, thanks to the improved liquidity
Creditworthiness checks
Comprehensive evaluation of Buyers' creditworthiness, conducted both prior to the initiation of the factoring facility and throughout the Factoring collaboration
Operating cost reduction
Cost savings through the delegation of sales ledger monitoring and the collection of assigned receivables to Pancreta Factors, in alignment with the Supplier-Buyer agreed terms and credit period
Credit risk mitigation
Minimizing Buyers' credit risk assuming the risk is undertaken by Pancreta Factors, enhancing your business's financial statements